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  • Scholar   https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=MrWuX5EAAAAJ
  • DBLP       http://dblp.uni-trier.de/pers/hd/t/Thorne:Camilo
  • ORCID       https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6960-772X
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  • Peer-Reviewed Papers

    2022 - Yuan Li, Jiayuan He, Hiyori Yoshikawa, Biaoyan Fang, Zenan Zhai, Camilo Thorne, Saber A. Akhondi, Christian Druckenbrodt, Karin Verspoor - "End-to-End Chemical Reaction Extraction from Patents" - 2022, Proceedings of the PatentSemTech 2022. (bibtex)
    2021 - Vladimir Araujo, Andres Carvallo, Carlos Aspillaga, Camilo Thorne, Denis Parra - "Stress Test Evaluation of Biomedical Word Embeddings" - 2021, Proceedings of the BioNLP 21 workshop. (bibtex)
    2021 - Zenan Zhai, Christian Druckenbrodt, Camilo Thorne, Saber A. Akhondi, Dat Quoc Nguyen, Trevor Cohn, Karin Verspoor - "ChemTables: a dataset for semantic classification on tables in chemical patents" - 2021, Journal of Cheminformatics . (bibtex)
    2021 - Jiayuan He, Dat Quoc Nguyen, Saber A. Akhondi, Christian Druckenbrodt, Camilo Thorne, Ralph Hoessel, Zubair Afzal, Zenan Zhai, Biaoyan Fang, Hiyori Yoshikawa, Ameer Albahem, Lawrence Cavedon, Trevor Cohn, Timothy Baldwin, Karin Verspoor - "ChEMU 2020: Natural Language Processing Methods are Effective for Information Extraction from Chemical Patents" - 2021, Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics. (bibtex)
    2020 - Dhruba Pujary, Camilo Thorne, Wilker Aziz - "Disease Normalization with Graph Embeddings" - 2020, Proceedings of the IntelliSys 20 conference. (bibtex)
    2020 - Camilo Thorne, Saber A. Akhondi - "Word Embeddings for Chemical Patent Natural Language Processing" - 2020, Proceedings of the Latinx @ ICML 20 workshop. (bibtex)
    2020 - Dat Quoc Nguyen, Zenan Zhai, Hiyori Yoshikawa, Biaoyan Fang, Christian Druckenbrodt, Camilo Thorne, Ralph Hoessel, Saber A. Akhondi, Trevor Cohn, Timothy Baldwin, Karin Verspoor - "ChEMU: Named Entity Recognition and Event Extraction of Chemical Reactions from Patents" - 2020, Proceedings of the ECIR 20 conference. (bibtex)
    2019 - Hiyori Yoshikawa, Dat Quoc Nguyen, Zenan Zhai, Christian Druckenbrodt, Camilo Thorne, Saber A. Akhondi, Timothy Baldwin, Karin Verspoor - "Detecting Chemical Reactions in Patents" - 2019, Proceedings of the ALTA 19 workshop. (bibtex)
    2019 - Zenan Zhai, Dat Quoc Nguyen, Saber A. Akhondi, Camilo Thorne, Christian Druckenbrodt, Trevor Cohn, Michelle Gregory, Karin Verspoor - "Improving Chemical Named Entity Recognition in Patents with Contextualized Word Embeddings" - 2019, Proceedings of the bioNLP @ ACL 19 workshop. (bibtex)
    2018 - Camilo Thorne, Roman Klinger - "On the Semantic Similarity of Disease Mentions in MEDLINE© and Twitter" - 2018, Proceedings of the NLDB 18 conference. (bibtex)
    2017 - Camilo Thorne - "Chatbots for Troubleshooting: A Survey" - 2017, Language and Linguistics Compass (draft: for the final version, please refer to the printed edition). (bibtex)
    2017 - Erman Acar, Manuel Fink, Christian Meilicke, Camilo Thorne and Heiner Stuckenschmidt - "Multi-attribute Decision Making with Weighted Description Logics" - 2017, IFCoLog Journal of Logic and its Applications. (bibtex)
    2017 - Camilo Thorne, Roman Klinger - "Towards Confidence Estimation for Typed Protein-Protein Relation Extraction" - 2017, Proceedings of the bioNLP @ RANLP 17 workshop. (bibtex)
    2017 - Camilo Thorne - "Distribution of Generalized Quantifiers in Large Corpora" - 2017, Proceedings of the QUAD 17 workshop. (bibtex)
    2017 - Jakub Szymanik, Camilo Thorne - "Exploring the Relation between Semantic Complexity and Quantifier Distribution in Large Corpora" - 2017, Language Sciences (draft: for the final version, please refer to the printed edition). (bibtex)
    2016 - Jenny Copara, Jose Eduardo Ochoa Luna, Camilo Thorne and Goran Glavaš - "Exploring Unsupervised Features in Conditional Random Fields for Spanish Named Entity Recognition" - 2016, Proceedings of the BRACIS 16 symposium. (bibtex)
    2016 - Jenny Copara, Jose Eduardo Ochoa Luna, Camilo Thorne and Goran Glavaš - "Conditional Random Fields for Spanish Named Entity Recognition Using Unsupervised Features" - 2016, Proceedings of the IBERAMIA 16 conference. (bibtex)
    2016 - Jenny Copara, Jose Eduardo Ochoa Luna, Camilo Thorne and Goran Glavaš - "Spanish NER with Word Representations and Conditional Random Fields" - 2016, Proceedings of the NEWS @ ACL 16 workshop. (bibtex)
    2016 - Camilo Thorne, Stefano Faralli and Heiner Stuckenschmidt - "Cross-Evaluation of Entity Linking and Disambiguation Systems for Clinical Text Annotation" - 2016, Proceedings of the SEMANTICS 16 conference. (bibtex)
    2015 - Erman Acar, Camilo Thorne and Heiner Stuckenschmidt - "Towards Decision Making via Expressive Probablistic Ontologies" - 2015, Proceedings of the ADT 15 conference. (bibtex)
    2015 - Camilo Thorne, Jakub Szymanik - "Semantic Complexity of Quantifiers and their Distribution in Corpora" - 2015, Proceedings of the IWCS 15 conference. (bibtex)
    2013 - Camilo Thorne, Elena Cardillo, Claudio Eccher, Marco Montali, Diego Calvanese - "Process Fragment Recognition in Clinical Documents" - 2013, Proceedings of the AI*IA 13 conference. (bibtex)
    2013 - Camilo Thorne, Elena Cardillo, Claudio Eccher, Marco Montali, Diego Calvanese - "Automated Activity Recognition in Clinical Documents" - 2013, Proceedings of the IJCNLP 13 conference. (bibtex)
    2013 - Camilo Thorne, Jakub Szymanik - "Generalized Quantifier Distribution and Semantic Complexity" - 2013, Pre-Proceedings of the TbiLLC 13 symposium. (bibtex)
    2013 - Camilo Thorne, Marco Montali, Diego Calvanese "The VeriCliG Project: Extraction of Computer Interpretable Guidelines via Syntactic and Semantic Annotation" - 2013, Proceedings of the ClinText @ IWCS 13 workshop. (bibtex)
    2012 - Camilo Thorne - "Studying the Distribution of Fragments of English Using Deep Semantic Annotation" - 2012, Proceedings of the ISA 8 workshop. (bibtex)
    2012 - Camilo Thorne, Diego Calvanese - "Tractability and Intractability of Controlled Languages for Data Access" - 2012, Studia Logica (draft: for the final version, please refer to the printed edition). (bibtex)
    2011 - Camilo Thorne - "Querying the Fragments of English" - 2011, Proceedings of the WoLLIC 11 workshop. (bibtex)
    2009 - Camilo Thorne, Diego Calvanese - "Controlled English Ontology-Based Data Access" - 2009, Proceedings of the CNL 09 workshop. (bibtex)
    2009 - Camilo Thorne, Diego Calvanese - "The Data Complexity of the Syllogistic Fragments of English" - 2009, Proceedings of the AC 09 colloquium. (bibtex)
    2009 - Camilo Thorne, Diego Calvanese - "Tree Shaped Aggregate Questions over Ontologies" - 2009, Proceedings of the FQAS 09 conference. (bibtex)
    2009 - Camilo Thorne, Diego Calvanese - "Exploring Controlled English Ontology-Based Data Access" - 2009, Pre-Proceedings of the CNL 09 workshop. (bibtex)
    2008 - Diego Calvanese, Evgeny Kharlamov, Werner Nutt, Camilo Thorne - "Aggregate Queries over Ontologies" - 2008, Proceedings of the ONISW @ CIKM 08 workshop. (bibtex)
    2008 - Camilo Thorne - "Expressing Conjunctive and Aggregate Queries over Ontologies with Controlled English" - 2008, Proceedings of the ESSLLI 08 student session. (bibtex)
    2007 - Raffaella Bernardi, Francesca Bonin, Diego Calvanese, Domenico Carbotta, Camilo Thorne - "English Querying over Ontologies: E-QuOnto" - 2007, Proceedings of the AI*IA 07 conference. (bibtex)
    2007 - Camilo Thorne - "Managing Structured Data with Controlled English - An Approach based on Description Logics" - 2007, Proceedings of the ESSLLI 07 student session. (bibtex)
    2007 - Raffaella Bernardi, Diego Calvanese, Camilo Thorne, - "Expressing DL-Lite Ontologies with Controlled English" - 2007, Proceedings of the DL 07 description logic workshop. (bibtex)
    2007 - Raffaella Bernardi, Diego Calvanese, Camilo Thorne - "Lite Natural Language" - 2007, Proceedings of the IWCS 07 workshop. (bibtex)
    2007 - Camilo Thorne - "Categorial Module Grammars Have Finite Bounded Density" - 2007, Proceedings of the LATA 07 conference. (bibtex)
    2000 - Camilo Thorne - "Sobre el imperativo categórico como regla de universalización" - 2000, Proceedings of the 7th Peruvian congress of philosophy. (bibtex)

    Books and Chapters

    2014 - Camilo Thorne, Raffaella Bernardi, Diego Calvenese - "Designing Efficient Controlled Languages for Ontologies" - 2014, Computing Meaning, Vol. 4. (bibtex)
    2010 - Camilo Thorne - "Query Answering over Ontologies Using Controlled Natural Languages" - 2010, KRDB Research Centre Dissertation Series. (bibtex)


    2022 - Zenan Zhai, Cornelia Maria Verspoor, Trevor Anthony Cohn, Camilo Thorne, Saber Akhondi, Christian Druckenbrodt - "System and Method for Text Mining" - 2022, World Intellectual Property Organization. (bibtex)

    Reports, Preprints

    2014 - Camilo Thorne - "The Expressive Power of DL-Lite" - 2014, CoRR preprint. (bibtex)
    2014 - Camilo Thorne - "Chases and Bag-Set Certain Answers" - 2014, CoRR preprint. (bibtex)
    2008 - Camilo Thorne - "Equivalence of Aggregate Queries with Incomplete Information and Dependencies" - 2008, KRDB report. (bibtex)
    2008 - Raffaella Bernardi, Diego Calvanese and Camilo Thorne - "Querying Structured Data with Lite Natural Language" - 2008, KRDB report. (bibtex)
    2008 - Camilo Thorne - "Expressive Power of DL-Lite (II)" - 2008, KRDB report. (bibtex)
    2007 - Camilo Thorne - "Controlled English for DL-Lite" - 2007, KRDB report. (bibtex)
    2005 - Camilo Thorne, Victoria Uren, Jianhan Zhu - "Extracting Domain Ontologies with CORDER" - 2005, KMi report. (bibtex)


    2004 - "Apprentissage de grammaires catégorielles de modules" - Master thesis. 2004, Université de Paris 13. (English summary) (bibtex)