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BSc-FUB Data Structures and Algorithms Lab 2014 (Camilo Thorne)

Please refer to the course's main webpage to access the course's complete materials. This page is meant to summarize what was done during the labs, and to provide links to the exercise sheets and some additional materials:
  • Course website (with links to slides, coursework and bibliography).
  • Tutorial by M. Hucthings on mathematical proof techniques (you will find it useful when writing mathematical proofs).
  • Free course by K. Wayne and R. Sedgewick on Coursera regarding how to implement basic data structures and algorithms in Java.
All programming exercises, marked or not, are to be solved using the Java programming language, SDK 1.5+. I will correct 5 assignments, although I'll discuss all during the labs: assignment 2 (here), assignment 4 (here), assignment 6 (here), assignment 8 (here) and assignment 9 (here).

Lab 04.03.2014 - Arrays. The exercise sheet is here.
Lab 11.03.2014 - Measurements. The exercise sheet is here.
Lab 18.03.2014 - Asymptotic complexity and invariants. In this lab we will discuss selected exercises from the past assignments.
Lab 25.03.2014 - Recursion on integers. The exercise sheet is here.
Lab 01.04.2014 - Recursion on sets (1). The exercise sheet is here.
Lab 08.04.2014 - Recursion on sets (2). This lab is a follow-up of the previous one. We will also discuss partial correctness for recursive algorithms.
Lab 15.04.2014 - Quicksort (1). The exercise sheet is here.
Lab 06.05.2014 - Quicksort (2). We continue with last week's discussion, and correct the midterm exam.
Lab 13.05.2014 - Lists, stacks, queues and BSTs (1). The exercise sheet is here.
Lab 20.05.2014 - Lists, stacks, queues and BSTs (2). We continue with last week's dicussion, and discuss selected exercises from the assignments.
Lab 27.05.2014 - Traversal of BSTs (1) The exercise sheet is here.
Lab 03.06.2014 - Traversal of BSTs (2) In this last lab, we finish discussing BSTs, and review selected topics from the labs.